HOW CAN I JOIN THE WINNEBAGO COUNTY RETIRED TEACHERS ASSOCIATION (WCRTA)? There are two ways to join WCRTA. Life membership is $125. Annual membership is $15 per year. It is easy to join by completing the following form and mailing it along with your dues check (made payable to WCRTA) to our treasurer, Sharon Vinson, 11966Tresemer, Roscoe, IL 61073. MEMBERSHIP FORM Last name:_________________________First name:__________________________ Street Address:_____________________________________________ Apt. #_____ City:______________________________ State:_________ Zip Code:_________ Email:________________________________________________PH:______________ School Attendance Center retired from:______________________________________ Year Retired: _______ WCRTA Membership desired: Annual: ($15/yr.)___ Life: ($125 for life)____(Indicate by “X) Do you have an IRTA membership: Yes or No (Please circle) Illinois Legislative District #________ Illinois Senate District #________
How can I join the Illinois Retired Teachers Association (IRTA)?