Join the Winnebago County Retired Teachers Association
HOW CAN I JOIN THE WINNEBAGO COUNTY RETIRED TEACHERS ASSOCIATION (WCRTA)? There are two ways to join WCRTA. Life membership is $125. Annual membership is $15 per year. It is easy to join by completing the following form and mailing it along with your dues check (made payable to WCRTA) to our treasurer: Sharon Vinson, 11966Tresemer, Roscoe, IL 61073. MEMBERSHIP FORM Last name:_________________________First name:__________________________ Street Address:_____________________________________________ Apt. #_____ City:______________________________ State:_________ Zip Code:_________ Email:________________________________________________PH:______________ School Attendance Center retired from:______________________________________ Year Retired: _______ WCRTA Membership desired: Annual: ($15/yr.)___ Life: ($125 for life)____(Indicate by “X) Do you have an IRTA membership: Yes or No (Please circle) Illinois Legislative District #________ Illinois Senate District #________
How can I join the Illinois Retired Teachers Association (IRTA)?