"Excellence in Education Grants for Teachers" Program
The Illinois Retired Teachers Association (IRTA) Foundationis making $36,500 in grant money available statewide in Illinois. This special grant money will provide additional funds to public school educators (Pre-K through 12) so that their students will have the means to participate in special projects.
Please download, complete, and submit the application online by visiting www.irtaonline.org and looking under the IRTA Foundation section. All proposals must be submitted by June 1, 2019. A special committee will select the recipients of the grant money over the summer. Grant awards will be presented in the fall.
* Chicago Public School employees are not eligible for this grant program.
The Illinois Retired Teachers Association (IRTA) Foundationis making $36,500 in grant money available statewide in Illinois. This special grant money will provide additional funds to public school educators (Pre-K through 12) so that their students will have the means to participate in special projects.
Please download, complete, and submit the application online by visiting www.irtaonline.org and looking under the IRTA Foundation section. All proposals must be submitted by June 1, 2019. A special committee will select the recipients of the grant money over the summer. Grant awards will be presented in the fall.
* Chicago Public School employees are not eligible for this grant program.